
Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR)

Art. 501OR from 2023

Art. 501 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 501 c. Resort to the surety

1 The creditor may not apply to the surety in respect of the principal obligation before the date fixed for its payment even if such date is brought forward following the principal debtor’s bankruptcy.

2 Under a contract of surety of any type, in exchange for furnishing real security, the surety may request that the court suspend the debt enforcement proceedings against him until all pledges have been realised and a definitive certificate of loss has been issued against the principal debtor or a composition agreement has been concluded with the creditors.

3 Where the principal obligation may not fall due without notice being served by the creditor or the principal debtor, the time limit for the surety does not commence until the date on which he receives such notice.

4 Where the obligation of a principal debtor residing abroad is annulled or restricted by foreign legislation, such as by provisions relating to clearing systems or a ban on currency transfers, a surety resident in Switzerland may also rely on such legislation unless he has waived this defence.

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Art. 501 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) - Anwendung bei den Gerichten

Anwendung im Kantonsgericht

Dieser Gesetzesartikel wurde bei folgenden kantonalen Gerichtsentscheiden referenziert/angewendet (nicht abschliessend):

ZHHE150386BauhandwerkerpfandrechtStreit; Sicherheit; Solidarbürgschaft; Streitberufene; Prozessführende; Bauhandwerkerpfandrecht; Verfahren; Gericht; Frist; Recht; Definitiv; Partei; Hinreichend; Grundbuch; Beanspruchung; Kantons; Sicherstellung; Bauhandwerkerpfandrechts; Definitive; Entscheid; Streitberufenen; Eintragung; Renden; Nachträge; Werkvertrag; Grundbuchamt; Begründet; Hinreichende; Forderung
BEZK 2010 202Art. 501 Abs. 1 OR, Geltung für den SolidarbürgenHauptschuld; Bürge; Bürgen; Appellantin; Primäre; Hauptschuldner; Konkurs; Fälligkeit; Regressforderung; Fällig; Primären; Belangt; Rückbürge; Bürgschaft; Entscheid; Solidarbürge; PESTALOZZI; Zahlung; Vertragliche; Entsteht; Recht; Hauptschuldnerin; Forderung; Appellat; PESTALOZZI; Konkurseröffnung; Vorinstanz; Solidarbürgen; Solidarbürgschaft
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