
Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR)

Art. 1153OR from 2023

Art. 1153 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 1153

Documents of title to goods issued by a warehouse keeper or carrier as negotiable securities must bear:

  • 1. the place and date of issue and the signature of the issuer;
  • 2. the name and address of the issuer;
  • 3. the name and address of the depositor or sender of the goods;
  • 4. an inventory of the stored or despatched goods by description, volume and identification marks;
  • 5. the fees and remuneration payable or paid in advance;
  • 6. any special agreements between the parties concerning the handling of the goods;
  • 7. the number of duplicates of the document of title to goods;
  • 8. the persons with power of disposal, with indication of names or to order or as bearer.

  • Dieser Gesetzesartikel ist im Jahr 2023 (prüfen Sie auf Aktualität) in Kraft getreten. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit. Wir verweisen Sie dazu auf www.admin.ch.

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