
Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR)

Art. 860OR from 2023

Art. 860 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 860 3. Duty to form and accumulate a reserve fund

1 Where the net profit is used for a purpose other than to build up the cooperative’s assets, each year one twentieth of it must be allocated to a reserve fund. Such allocations must be made for at least 20 years; where share certificates exist, they must in any event be made until the reserve fund is equal to one-fifth of the cooperative’s capital.

2 The articles of association may stipulate that the reserve fund must be accumulated more rapidly.

3 To the extent that the reserve fund does not exceed one-half of the cooperative’s other assets or, where share certificates exist, one-half of the cooperative’s capital, it may be used only to cover losses or for measures designed to sustain the cooperative’s pursuit of its objects in difficult times.

4 ... (1)

(1) Repealed by Annex No II 1 of the Insurance Oversight Act of 17 Dec. 2004, with effect from 1 Jan. 2006 (AS 2005 5269; BBl 2003 3789).

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