
Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR)

Art. 1042OR from 2023

Art. 1042 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 1042 3. Notification

1 The holder must notify the immediately preceding endorser and the drawer of the lack of acceptance or payment within four working days of the date on which the protest was made or, in the case of the comment “No protest”, within four working days of the date of presentation. Within two working days of receipt of such notification, every endorser must pass on the news received to the immediately preceding endorser and give him the names and addresses of the persons from whom he received it, and so on in sequence until the drawer. All time limits run as of receipt of the previous notification.

2 Where notification is made pursuant to the previous paragraph to a person whose signature is appended to the bill of exchange, the same notification must be made within the same time limit to his bill guarantor.

3 Where an endorser has omitted to give his address or has written it illegibly, it is sufficient if his immediately preceding endorser is notified.

4 The notification may be made in any form, including the mere return of the bill of exchange.

5 Persons under a duty to notify must show that they complied with it within the prescribed time limit. The time limit is deemed observed where a letter containing such notification was posted within the time limit.

6 A person who fails to notify in good time does not forfeit his right of recourse; he is liable for any losses arising from his failure to notify, but only up to the bill amount.

Dieser Gesetzesartikel ist im Jahr 2023 (prüfen Sie auf Aktualität) in Kraft getreten. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit. Wir verweisen Sie dazu auf www.admin.ch.

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Anwendung im Bundesgericht

99 II 332Checkrecht. 1. Art. 1128 OR. Rückgriff des Checkinhabers gegen einen Indossanten. Einrede des Indossanten, der Inhaber habe den Auftrag, sich vor Einlösung der Checks nach der Deckung zu erkundigen und die Auskunft an ihn weiterzuleiten, nicht pflichtgemäss ausgeführt. Beweis. Pflichten des Beauftragten (Erw. 1-3). 2. Art. 1042 Abs. 6 undl143 Ziff. 10 OR. Benachrichtigung bei Unterbleiben der Zahlung (Erw. 4). Check; Checks; Commerzbank; Deckung; Klagte; Klagten; Beklagten; Telephonisch; Auftrag; Klüppelberg; Banken; Zahlung; Appellation; Guthaben; Appellationshof; Sperber; Schaden; Aussteller; Konto; Inhaber; Deckungsmeldung; Inkasso; Erteilt; Recht; Behauptet; Auszahlung; Löst; Bezogene; Einlösung
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