
Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR)

Art. 1033OR from 2023

Art. 1033 Federal Act on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (OR) drucken

Art. 1033 1. Recourse of the holder (1)

1 In the event of non-payment of a bill at maturity, the holder has right of recourse against the endorser, the drawer and the other parties liable on the bill.

2 The holder has the same right even before maturity:

  • 1. where acceptance has been refused in part or in full;
  • 2. where the assets of the drawee are subject to insolvency proceedings, regardless of whether he has accepted the bill or not, or where only payments by the drawee have been suspended, or where compulsory execution has been levied on his assets without success;
  • 3. where the assets of the drawer of a bill of exchange whose presentation for acceptance is prohibited are subject to insolvency proceedings.
  • (1) This Art. consists of a single paragraph in the French and Italian texts.

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