
Foreign Nationals and Integration Act (FNIA)

Art. 39FNIA from 2022

Art. 39 Foreign Nationals and Integration Act (FNIA) drucken

Art. 39 Employment of cross-border commuters

1 Persons with a cross-border commuter permit may work temporarily outside the border zone. If they want to move the focus of their employment to the border zone of another canton, they must apply for a permit from the new canton beforehand. After working for an uninterrupted period of five years, cross border commuters are entitled to change cantons.

2 Persons with a cross-border commuter permit may be authorised to change jobs if the requirements in terms of Articles 21 and 22 are fulfilled. After working for an uninterrupted period of five years, cross border commuters are entitled to change jobs.

3 Persons with a cross-border commuter permit may be authorised to become self-employed, if the requirements in terms of Article 19 letters a and b are fulfilled.

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