
Financial Services Act (FinSA)

Art. 56FinSA from 2020

Art. 56 Financial Services Act (FinSA) drucken

Art. 56 Supplements

1 A supplement to the prospectus must be produced if any new facts arise or are established between the time of approval of the prospectus and final completion of a public offer or opening of trading on a trading venue which could have a significant influence on the assessment of securities.

2 The supplement must be reported to the reviewing body immediately upon occurrence or establishment of the new fact.

3 The reviewing body shall decide whether to approve the supplement within a maximum of seven calendar days. Thereafter, the supplement shall be published immediately. The information contained in the supplement must be added to the summaries.

4 The reviewing body shall maintain a list of facts which by their nature are not subject to approval. Supplements on such facts have to be published at the same time as they are reported to the reviewing body.

5 If a new fact in accordance with paragraph 1 arises during a public offer, the offer period shall end no sooner than two days after publication of the supplement. Investors may withdraw their subscriptions or acquisition pledges up to the end of the subscription or offer period.

Dieser Gesetzesartikel ist im Jahr 2020 (prüfen Sie auf Aktualität) in Kraft getreten. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf Aktualität und Vollständigkeit/Richtigkeit. Wir verweisen Sie dazu auf www.admin.ch.

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