
BBG ()

Art. 28 from 2022

Art. 28 BBG () drucken

Art. 28 Federal professional examinations and advanced federal professional examinations

1 Suitable professional experience and expertise are required in order to take a federal professional examination or an advanced federal professional examination.

2 The corresponding professional organisations shall establish admission requirements, course content, qualification procedures, qualifications and titles. They shall take into account completed courses of study. The examination rules shall be subject to approval by SERI. They shall be published in the Federal Gazette in the form of a reference made in accordance with Article 13 paragraph 1 letter g and 3 of the Publications Act of 18 June 2004 (1) . (2)

3 The Federal Council shall establish the requirements and procedures for obtaining approval.

4 The Cantons may offer preparatory courses.

(1) SR 170.512
(2) Fourth sentence inserted by Art. 21 No 2 of the Publications Act of 18 June 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2005 (AS 2004 4929; BBl 2003 7711).

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